Anti-PEG and PEGylated protein ELISA Kits and reagents

Catalog# Name Product Type Data Sheet Size Price
PEG-BSA-40K mPEG-BSA (Molecular Weight: 40,000-linear) Conjugate 100 ug $250.00
PEG-005 PEGylated protein ELISA Kit ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-070 Rat Anti-PEG IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-080 Rat Anti-PEG IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-010 Human Anti-PEG IgG ELISA Kit ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-020 Human Anti-PEG IgM, 96 tests, Quantitative ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-050 Monkey Anti-PEG IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-060 Monkey Anti-PEG IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-030 Mouse Anti-PEG IgG, 96 tests, Quantitative ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-040 Mouse Anti-PEG IgM, 96 tests, Quantitative ELISA Kit 1 Kit $550.00
PEG-BTN mPEG-Biotinylated (MW: 5000) Conjugate 1 mg $350.00
PEG11-S Rabbit Anti-mPEG antiserum Primary Antibodies 100 ul $350.00
PEG11-A Rabbit Anti-mPEG IgG, Affinity Pure Primary Antibodies 100 ug $375.00
PEG13-M-3 Mouse Monoclonal anti-PEG (backbone specific) IgG (Clone #3) Primary Antibodies 100 ug $400.00
PEG13-M-2 Mouse Monoclonal anti-PEG (backbone specific) IgG (Clone #2) Primary Antibodies 100 ug $400.00
PEG13-M-1 Mouse Monoclonal anti-PEG (backbone specific) IgG (Clone #1) Primary Antibodies 100 ug $400.00
PEG-BSA-05K mPEG-BSA (Molecular Weight: 5,000-linear) Conjugate 100 ug $250.00
PEG-BSA-20K mPEG-BSA (Molecular Weight: 20,000-linear) Conjugate 100 ug $250.00
PEG-BSA-10K mPEG-BSA (Molecular Weight: 10,000-linear) Conjugate 100 ug $250.00