Custom Polyclonal Antibodies (Rabbit, Goat, Sheep, Chicken, Mouse, etc. )

ADI is truly a global company providing custom peptide and antibody services throughout the US and many international institutions. ADI’s services have been referenced in most top-ranked scientific journals. 

ADI Inc. has a NIH/OPRR, USDA inspected and approved animal research facility. We follow all guidelines as specified in the "Guide" and" PHS Policy" and have NIH Assurance on file. ADI can provide antisera made in most lab animals and in volumes required for your research. Your project will be initiated in the most efficient manner. You will recieve notification of this by fax/email soon after project initiation. 

There are many companies who do not have their own animal research facility. They must sub-contract to other providers. This leads to delays in processing of your antibody project, higher project costs, and loss of quality control, as well as delays in getting the information about project. If you are in doubt if a given company has its own facility, please ask for their USDA registration and certification and if it is registered in their name.
There are 3 forms of antigens:
1. Ready to inject antigens. This would include all purified proteins (natural or recombinant) or peptide-protein conjugates supplied to us or proteins as precipitates or in Sepharose-beads/bound forms.

2. Ready to inject antigens with some processing. This would include proteins supplied as SDS-PAGE gels or slices. We must homogenize and process this before we can inject into animals. This will have $25 antigen processing fee in addition to other regular charges. Click here for useful information on using SDS-gels or Sepharose beads for antibodies and List of Publlished papers using our services.

3. Free Peptide or other hapten Antigens supplied to us. All small peptides or haptens must be coupled to a carrier protein (KLH, BSA, Ovalbumin, or Thyroglobulin) before conjugation. ADI can couple these to the carrier of your choice using desired method of coupling (NH2, COOH or Cysteine groups). There will be an additional charge of $195 for conjugation (up to 10-mg peptide). If you have selected our anti-peptide antibody package then these charges are already included in the price.

Std. 63 days protocol and Prices for Ready-to-inject Antigens:
All projects include 2 rabbits but we can substitute them with 2 G. Pig/Hamsters/or Chicken at an extra charge. Goat and sheep will incur additional charges. We can modify the std immunization and bleed protocols and includes more animals if requested. Other animals, not included above, can be provided as well. Please contact ADI for current prices and availability.

Std 63 days protocol includes up to 5 injections (i.m. and s.c. at multiple sites at 14 day intervals); 1 preimmune bleed (~2 ml per animal), 2 immune bleeds (std. bleeds at weeks 7 and 9; ~15-20 mls per rabbit). All projects may be extended on a monthly basis, for a nominal fee, to collect more antiserum (2 bleeds per month). Please inform us prior to the conclusion of std protocol if you wish to extend the projects. Please consult Some Commonly Asked Questions About Custom Peptide And Antibody Services for bleed volume in other species and optional services.

 Species # Animals in 
Std package
Cat #  Price 
 Rabbit  2* RAB-2  $895
 Chicken 2* CHI-2  $895**
G. PIG  2* GPI-2 $895 
 Sheep 1 SHP-1  $1500
Goat  1 GOT-1 $1500
 Mice 5 MIC-5 $895
 Rats  5  RAT-5  $895

Optional Services (Western blotting, affinity purification, antibody conjugation to HRP/AP, biotinylation, etc) are also available

Some Commonly Asked Questions About Custom Peptide And Antibody Services 
for bleed volume in other species and optional services.
*Additional Animals: Add $300 in the std package price for each additional animal.
** Includes collection of 6 eggs per animal and processing of egg-yolk. IgY purification from 6 egg-yolks can be requested at an additional price $295.00 (Cat# IgY-1). Click here for Additional Details about Chicken Antibodies

Optional Services - The following services can be added to any std. custom antibody project as described above.

ELISA (Catalog No: ELISA-1; $145) ELISA. ADI uses proprietary techniques and buffer solutions to coat free peptides or proteins on ELISA plates. Therefore antibodies to the carrier protein are not detected. We test individual preimmune and immune serum at 4 dilutions (1:100, 1:1K, and 1:10K, 1:100K). A detailed ELISA report is provided with every test regarding antibody titer of each animal. Antibody titer reported in our ELISA report refers only to anti-peptide or protein antibodies. Complete instructions of performing ELISA and reagents used are given in ELISA Procedure.

Affinity Purification: ADI can couple the provided antigen (peptide, proteins) to prepare the affinity matrix. Antibodies will be purified, and affinity purified antibodies tested by ELISA, and compared with unpurified serum. We also monitor the antibody activity in the unbound fractions to make sure antibodies are not overloaded and wasted. We provide a complete ELISA report, affinity pure antibodies, and supply the affinity column as well. Any 1 bleed can be purified. Cat # AFFI-1 ($695). Ideally, we need approx. 5-10 mg of antigen for making the affinity matrix.

Antibody Service Guarantee: ADI has Scientists in its staff with over 20 years of experience in raising and using antibodies. ADI offers a reasonable guarantee for its custom services. If you provide us with sufficient antigen and follow our recommendations then we guarantee to produce high titer antibodies (at least 1:1K by an ELISA assay; average titer 10K-100K) or repeat the whole project in fresh animals or in different species (e.g., chicken) at no cost. No Scientist can predict functionality of antibodies or guarantee to produce antibodies that will work in a given assay or technique. It is unreasonable to expect from us something that has no scientific basis. However, we will do everything possible that we know of or suggested by researchers.

Price Guarantee: ADI believes that it offers the best possible service at most economical prices. If you know of a provider in the US who offers the same services at a lower price, we will not only match their prices but also offer $50.00 discount per project from their lowest list price. Please fax us a written quote from the provider.