Catalog# Size Unit Price Quantity
80225 1 kit $450.00

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugation kit for antigen/antibodies (Micro; 3 x 200 ug HRP)

KitContents1. 3 visal of Preactivated HRP (200 ug; lyophilized) # 80226 2. Conjugation Buffer, 0.1 M NaHCO3, pH 9.5 (10 X), 100 ml; (dilute 1:10 with water before use) # 80222 3. Blocking Buffer; 500 ul; # 80223 4. Conjugate Stabilizer; 2 ml., # 80224 5. Dialysis bag (Cut off size 10-12 kda) # DB-10 If proteins of 10kda or less are being coupled then it is a good idea to use membranes with lower cut-off such as (3 kda). Wash the membrane thoroughly with 70% ethanol and then with distilled water.
MSDSTMB (substrate), H2SO4 (1% in a buffered stop solution), and Prolcin-300 (0.1% v/v in standards, sample diluent and HRP-conjugates
Product TypeKit
Samplesuser supplied proteins, peptides or antibodies
SpCrossreactivityGeneral purpose reagents for coupling antibodies or proteins to HRP.


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