Catalog# Size Unit Price Quantity
5120 1 kit $600.00

Mouse anti-dsDNA IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

AvailabilityIn Stock
AntigendsDNA Ab
FormStds= 50-1000 U/ml; Sample: 100 ul (1:100); Quantitative; Ag-based Ab assay, 96 tests
KitContentsStds= 50-1000 U/ml, dsDNA immobilized on microwells
MSDSTMB (substrate), H2SO4 (1% in a buffered stop solution), and Prolcin-300 (0.1% v/v in standards, sample diluent and HRP-conjugates
Product TypeELISA Kit
SamplesSerum. Plasma, Culture medium and other fluids may be adapted


Data Sheet
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